RBMHS School


RBMHSS is located in beautiful landscaping, lush greenery, Serene Ambience with Eco-friendly atmosphere. Well-furnished and aeriated class rooms accommodating 35 to 40 students. Well Equipped LCD Hall offer to children exhibit their talent in the way of conducting Seminar, Workshop, Staff meeting and Orientation Programme. Smart Class provides a teaching and learning solution that includes rich digital media to the students with enjoyment. Separate Building Hygiene and well equipped laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science. We proud that we have Maths Lab too. Science Park to facilitate practical knowledge. Ensure Ecofriendly atmosphere by electro chemical sewage treatment plant. A well-furnished Library with vast collection of books. Students from higher secondary can take books for any references. Safe secure and comfortable transport facilities make our kids to feel comfortable journey. Buses will ply to and fro in and around Ranipet and Vellore district.

The Bio-Metric system is to be followed. The circular, Reminders and Homework will be sent through SMS service. The school has a well-equipped hospital to provide medical service to all students and staff. Fire Extinguisher and First aid box is kept on each floor and school buses wherever required to ensure safety of the students. The school is under surveillance for better monitoring and safety purpose. Good hygienic canteen which provides healthy delicious snacks. Well parking area and spacious lunch hall with RO water facilities available. Neat, Clean separate lavatory for boys, girls and staff.


RBMHSS provides a wonderful spacious Ground for sports. Sports are a necessary part of day todays life and part of Education. Our school provides adequate facilities for regular participation in games and Athletics. Indoor and outdoor games are trained by PET staff. Our Students progress is tremendous in both district and state level tournaments. Scouts and Guidance is started in order to bring about formation of character and sound health habits,training in handicrafts, acquiring of useful skills and inculcate the Spirit of servy efficiency.
RBMHS School
RBMHS School


RBMHSS is located in beautiful landscaping, lush greenery, Serene Ambience with Eco-friendly atmosphere. Well-furnished and aeriated class rooms accommodating 35 to 40 students. Well Equipped LCD Hall offer to children exhibit their talent in the way of conducting Seminar, Workshop, Staff meeting and Orientation Programme. Smart Class provides a teaching and learning solution that includes rich digital media to the students with enjoyment. Separate Building Hygiene and well equipped laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science. We proud that we have Maths Lab too. Science Park to facilitate practical knowledge. Ensure Ecofriendly atmosphere by electro chemical sewage treatment plant. A well-furnished Library with vast collection of books. Students from higher secondary can take books for any references. Safe secure and comfortable transport facilities make our kids to feel comfortable journey. Buses will ply to and fro in and around Ranipet and Vellore district.

The Bio-Metric system is to be followed. The circular, Reminders and Homework will be sent through SMS service. The school has a well-equipped hospital to provide medical service to all students and staff. Fire Extinguisher and First aid box is kept on each floor and school buses wherever required to ensure safety of the students. The school is under surveillance for better monitoring and safety purpose. Good hygienic canteen which provides healthy delicious snacks. Well parking area and spacious lunch hall with RO water facilities available. Neat, Clean separate lavatory for boys, girls and staff.

RBMHS School


RBMHSS provides a wonderful spacious Ground for sports. Sports are a necessary part of day todays life and part of Education. Our school provides adequate facilities for regular participation in games and Athletics. Indoor and outdoor games are trained by PET staff. Our Students progress is tremendous in both district and state level tournaments.

Scouts and Guidance is started in order to bring about formation of character and sound health habits,training in handicrafts, acquiring of useful skills and inculcate the Spirit of servy efficiency.